Plaque of Hard Choices Easy Life Easy Choices Hard Life
"Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life." Jerzey Gregorek
We live our life in choices, and can stall the hardness; but not escape it.
There is some poetic justice to it all.
I love its fairness.
Nothing goes unnoticed.
There are moments where I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for the hard choices I was able to navigate. The moments where it would have been more popular, and seen as kinder, to choose easy.
I think, we think, that we can escape Hard. That if we continue to make the easy choice, eventually easy will be where we land. Instead, the only way to the life of easy, IS to do the hard choices.
And, it is only hard for awhile.
Hard to swerve onto a new path and be the change that is needed.
Answer differently.
Fix up new boundaries.
Set new rules.
Doing so, makes life fluid and present.
Choices will flood your space, when you decide to really think before you accept.
Actually, if you are like me, you rarely IF ever saw the choice.
In the past, my life was living as if it was on auto mode.
We all knew what I would do, think, or say.
I was passive in my life.
I am not even certain I was aware that I wasn't giving myself any choice in the matter.
It's as if I had a pre-coded system running my world.
What is so telling is that once I began making choices, asking questions, and challenging relationships, my life changed - I changed.
I did what was harder, than going along to get along, and in the end, I cleared out of my life the things that made it hard.
I can honestly say I have an easy life. It hasn't been an easy journey, but in the end I landed in easy.
Maybe what makes life hard is carrying around the wrong choices. Living the wrong choice.
I am so grateful that I was able to wrestle my life back from the pre-programmed state I was in. And, sadly the program didn't give me a good life. Nor, do I believe, did it give those around me a better life either.
The best lives are those who have the freedom to make choices.
Choices that may be hard at first.
Hard to declare what you want your life to contain.
What things you would like to do, and then those you are unwilling to do anymore.
I didn't make all the hard choices at once. I began with the next choice that arrived.
I just did that one.
Until another choice arose and, I did what was hard.
I got so I looked forward to the next hard choice. For, I knew it would open up more space in my world.
I used to hate confrontation.
What I didn't know, was that it was a inner struggle.
Once I got clear on what I wanted - all that I didn't want - arose for me to choose yet again.
Each hard choice that is conquered, adds a bit of badassery to you.
One of the comments my brother made to me, as he and I parted ways, was "How is that working for you Beth?"
I believe he sees my choices as abject failure.
And, perhaps in his eyes and what he wants they are.
We are no longer walking in sync with each other.
However, I can honestly say, My Choices are working unimaginably perfect for Me.
What I feel most at peace with is that I am showing a different pattern.
A pattern where choices are offered and the freedom to choose what suits you best.
There are no conditions to this pattern. It's a pattern of life choices.
Easy choice, Hard life. Hard choice, easy life!
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